It was a pleasure having Grandpa Ted and Baba Liz visit us in Illinois from Oregon for Ted’s 70th birthday. We celebrated with a perfect steak dinner and some house projects. Ted and Ethan planted an apple tree in Ted’s honor that will hopefully bear fruit as soon as next year. They also planted 4 lilac bushes to help us eventually have a natural privacy hedge for our backyard. We might need to fill it with some other plants, but baby steps, baby steps.

And if that wasn’t enough house projects, they also built a birdhouse with Taj and started drywalling the barn. Baba Liz and I finished working on the cornhole boards and even got a layer of sealer on them before she left. I have to say, they are the most beautiful cornhole bags in the whole wide world. And now I truly feel like a midwesterner because we have our very own set of ‘bags’ for backyard parties.

It was a short visit, but very pleasant. It was great to share our lives with family that we don’t get to see that often. Thank you Baba and Granddad for making the trek from Oregon to see us!