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Holy garden batman!

There is something amazing about having a backyard garden. I was never very successful with my garden until we moved to Illinois. Maybe it was my visiting farmer friends that guided us well, maybe it was fabulously handy hubbie that built the framework, but realistically it was the great Illinois soil and particular climate that gave us a garden full of veggies for a season. I even canned my first tomatoes for the winter. It feels great to eat not just healthy, but self-grown food.

We did learn some things for next year, but hey we’re learning.

1. Keep different peppers separate because you can’t tell which are ripe green or not ripe green.

2. Peas and beans need more space.

3. Lettuce doesn’t work with really long days and bolts very quickly, same with brocolli



vacation cucumbers gone yellow

Over the vacation, no one harvested and some of the veggies got too ripe. Check out the size of that cucumber.


bouquet of kale


backyard garden harvest illinois

All summer long we had veggies like this!


chicken eggs in the briar path

This wasn’t at our house, but I do dream of getting backyard chickens next year.


Kale antlers.